Friday, 14 December 2012



forgot web-sphere admin console password

---->  When you enable the security on WebSphere Application Server [WAS], it will prompt you for authentication when you access admin console, stop server and wsadmin prompt.

----> All the security related settings are stored in config file under Profile_root/config/cells/cell_name.  File name is security.xml. The workaround when the administrator forgot the password is to change the security settings by manually modifying the security.xml file

STEP  1 : Locate the security.xml file and take a backup of it

STEP 2 : open security.xml file for editing and search for enabled=”true”

STEP 3 : modify it to enabled=”false” [you need to do this only for the very first occurrence of enabled=”true” ]

STEP 4 : Restart the servers

Application already exists in the configuration repository

  • Deploying an application and it already exists
  • Re-Deploying an application whose deployment failed before for some reason
  • undeployment failed but there is no reference of the application in admin console
For example, you are deploying a large application using wsadmin and got a soap timeout or out of memory before application is saved. Then you change the timeout/heap and try to deploy your applciation… in this case above error can come.

  • Stop the target JVM
  • Delete all the contents of temp and wstempfolder.
  • Go to WAS_INSTALL_DIR\profiles\<profileName>\config\cells\<cellName>\nodes\<nodeName>\
  • Edit the file serverindex.xml for an entry for our application within the tag<deployedApplications>xxx.ear</deployedApplications> (delete this line)
  • Do a search for your ear file in the file system and delete all the occurrences of the XXX.earfolder
  • Restart WAS
  • deploy the application