Saturday, 10 November 2012



1)  What are logs in IHS (IBM HTTP SERVER)  ?

A)  Access.log  ,  Error.log

2)  What are Configuration files in IPlanet Web Server  ?

A)  Magnus.conf  ,   Obj.conf

3)  Prerequisite of SyncNode Command  ?

A)  The NodeAgent must be in stopped state when this command is executed.

4)  If we got a problem before creating a log's Directory at a time of Installation at that time where you can check Status of Installation?

A)  tmp/log.txt

5)  If NodeAgent stops what will Impact for end Users  ?

A) Their is no Impact for end USer

6)  What is the Impact for Federated profile Servers If the DMGR is down  ?

A)  No Impact on Servers and Applications

7)  What is the Configuration file (or) Heart of IHS  ?

A)  httpd.conf file

8)  If Application is giving Very Slow Response then how will improve  ?

A)  ----->  Check Connection Pool Settings.

      ----->  Change Accordingly if required.

     ------>  JVM Memory Settings

    ------>  Change Accordingly if required

   ------>  Check Database if it is giving Slow Response.

   ------>  Check any Connection are waiting or not Closing.

   ----->   Check CPU Utilization  ,  JVM Utilization

9)  If You got Internal Error then what is the solution for it  ?

A)  ----->   Check IHS is running or not.

     ----->    If it is running check the AppServer is running or not.

     ----->   This is basically due to request is reaching to IHS and not able to reach Application.

10)  If you are trying to start WAS and you are getting "Class not found "  exception then how to solve this issue  ?

A)  ------>   Check Web Sphere classpath and set it properly if not set.

      ----->    Check Systemout and Systemerr logs for any specific errors or warning to identify which class is not found when Starting the Server.

11)  What are AppServer Components   ?

A)  1)  Admin Server

     2)  Web Container

     3)  EJB Container

     4)  J2C Service (JAVA 2 CONNECTOR )

     5)  Messaging Engine

     6)  Security Server.

12)  What is Server  ?

A)  ----> Server provides runtime Environment for your Web Applications or Enterprise Applications. 

     -----> Server receives user request ,  process that request and response will generated to End Users.

13)  Can you know other Connection Pool in WAS other than JDBC Connection Pool  ?

A)  1)  J2C Connection Pool  (JAVA 2 CONNECTOR POOL )

      2) MQ Connection Pool (Messaging Queue)

      3)  Thread Pool

14)   Different Types of Session TimeOut can be set  ?

A)  1)   Application level
      2)  Web Module level

      3)   Server level

15)  How do you verify that you are using Horizontal clusters not a vertical cluster?

A)  ----->  if u have all the servers in same machine(Host) ,than its vertical ,if cluster servers are installed in different machine than its horizontal.

  -----> Go to WAS console => select Nodes in left side => in the right side of the console you can see how many nodes make's your CELL, and also the host-name of the boxes in which the node exists.

------> if you see all the nodes from different host-names then its Horizontal clustering if you see same host-name here then its Vertical clustering

16) What kind of security mode you are using or JDBC connection?


17)    Can u configure multpile apache webservers?

A)  we can configure in httpd.conf file.

18)  How do you apply a FIX PACK  ?

A)  - Stop all the JVM/Node/DMGR on which you are going to apply fixpack
     - first check and update the update installer
    - Place the .pak files in maintenance folder of updateinstaller directory
    - create the response files
   - run ./ -silent -options”path-to-responsefile”
   - check the versioninfo from the WAS bin directory

19)  If nodeagent is stopped, can you perform the sync  ?

A)  ---->  In adminconsole Answer is No
     ------> if we are doing syncnode by command mode then Nodeagent should be stopped.

20)  one of the cluster member (jvm) is having issues. To troubleshoot the issue, you decided to take it out of the cluster. How do you do that?

A)  Make its runtime weight to 0

21)  In a complex environment, there are 10 machines. Machine A is having 8GB RAM and machine B having 2GB of RAM. The administrator decided to send twice as many request as machineB to machineA. How can he achive it?

A) give machineA twice the weight as machineB

22)  After making some changes on a cluster, it is required to recycle/restart all the cluster JVMs. The lead admin told you to make sure that there should not be any downtime during this recycle. Which option do you use to achieve it?

A)  Ripple start

23)  A large application which has 5web modules has been deployed on to a cluster. After some months, the developer asked you to update on of the 5web modules. How do you do it?

A)  RollOut

24)  can you change the cluster name, once it was created

A)  No


A)  ---->  First look at the logs for errors. If you find the error, save the logs and start your application. Then start trouble shoot.

   ----->  If no error found, run a trace and look for FFDC etc.


A)  No relation. Heap settings should be made depends on application

27)  What is the most important step to do, if you change your user repository.

A)  recycle all the JVMs. otherwise the key tokens will not be updated for the new repository

28)   When can you enable global security?

A)  ---->  While Installing

     -----> After Installation also

29)  What is the default user registry, if you enable Global Security at the time of installation

A)  Its federated repositories actually it is a file

30)  can we use different SSL for nodes and plugin ?

A)  Yes.

31)  What is the command to start and stop the httpserver?

A)  ./apachectl -k stop/start

32) What is a keystore?

A)  A keystore is a database that contains private keys with their associated certificates. The keystore will be used for encrypting/signing some thing with your private key

33)  What is root certificate?

A)  ----> Root certificate is either an unsigned public key certificate or a self-signed certificate that identifies the Root Certificate Authority (CA). 

-----> Digital certificates are verified using a chain of trust. The trust anchor for the digital certificate is the Root Certificate Authority (CA).

----->  A root certificate is the top-most certificate of the tree, the private key of which is used to "sign" other certificates. All certificates immediately below the root certificate inherit the trustworthiness of the root certificate.

----> Intermediate certificate is a subordinate certificate issued by the trusted root specifically to issue end-entity server certificates. The result is a certificate chain that begins at the trusted root CA, through the intermediate and ending with the SSL certificate issued to you. Such certificates are called chained root certificates

----> Creating certificates directly from the CA root certificate increases the risk of root certificate compromise, and if the CA root certificate is compromised, the entire trust infrastructure built by the SSL provider will fail. The usage of intermediate certificates for issuing SSL certificates to end entities, therefore, provides an added level of security.

34)  What is the Default Server in WAS for Application Server profile ?

A)  Server1


Ravi Chawhan said...

Thank Q This more usefull for all good Answer

Unknown said...

Thank u for valuble information...

Unknown said...

Thank u for valuble information...

Unknown said...

Can we change' the node name once it created

Unknown said...

Can we change' the node name once it created

Unknown said...

how to block the admin console url? and how we will get that message the url has been blocked?....

please help me?

gracylayla said...

Amazing content and collection. Thanks for sharing the great information. It helps to all the basic level to higher level of IBM WebSphere Server Administration

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