A) ----> It provides run time URL for the end user.
----> This technology is Introduced by IBM Company in to the market.
-----> It is easier for clients to build , deploy , manage Dynamic Websites.
-----> It is also used E-Business Applications.
-----> The application is Secure , Scalable , Reliable.
-----> WAS provides Authentication and Authorization to secure applications.
----> WAS supports Asynchronous Messaging through JMS Provider
-----> WAS provides Authentication and Authorization to secure applications using LDAP.
-----> WAS works with Web Server (IBM HTTP SERVER)
2) What is Edge Component ?
A) ----> It can reduce Web Server Congestion.
-----> Increase Content Availability
------> Improve Web Server performance.
------> It runs in a network configuration between Enterprise Intranet and Internet.
3) What is WEB CONTAINER ?
A) -----> It process HTTP requests , Servlets , Java Server Pages.
------> It process static requests or provides environment for running Servlets.
4) What is EJB CONTAINER ?
A) -----> It is used for Business transactions through Database (Dynamic data)
------> Provides all Run time Services needed to Deploy , Manage
------> Provides an environment for running Servlets.
------> It is Server process that handles requests for both session and Entity Beans.
------> EJB has 2 types
1) State full : We can get Acknowledgement from the client side.
2) State less : No Acknowledgements from client side.
5) What is Web Server ?
A) ----> It process HTTP or Static requests.
-----> It uses Server side scripting , Java Script .
-----> It uses browser for viewing the application.
6) What is App Server ?
A) ----> It process Dynamic requests and also handle Static requests.
-----> It takes of Security , transaction , Load Balancing , Clustering , Connection Pooling.
7) What is Session Affinity ?
A) ----> when ever one request comes from same client it should routed back to the same Server.
-----> Affinity means request comes again and again.
-----> When HTTP Session ID is created it is passed back to browser as a part of Cookie .
-----> When browser further makes request Cookie will sent back to the Web Server.
-----> Web Server PLUG-IN examines the Session ID and extracts unique ID and forwards the request.
8) What is Session Persistence ?
A) -----> It is used permanently store data from HTTP Session object to enable further and Load Balancing across Cluster.
9) What is Session Tracking ?
A) ----> It enables to track users progress over multiple Servlets or HTML pages.
-----> It is State less (we cannot get Acknowledgement)
10) What is Output file ?
A) -----> Creates new file in bin directory that includes Current Date
-----> websphere Config -yyyy-mm-dd.zip
11) What is Connection Pooling ?
A) ----> Connection Pool is used as Cache(Speed up) of database Connections maintained so that the connections can be reused for further requests to Database.
-----> Opening and maintaining a Data Base connection for each user
12) What is Heap Dump ?
A) -----> It is used when sufficient memory is not available for a new object
-----> It generates a dump of all live objects that are on the Java Heap.
-----> By default we get OutOfMemoryErrors because of JVM crashes
------> Heap dump is created in < profile-root > directory when OutOfMemoryErrorException is thrown
------> When JVM crashes we cannot get any application.
13) What is Thread Dump ?
A) ----> It provides detailed information of all active Java Threads.
----> It is used to know how many threads are there in Connection Pool
------> How many are there in Dead lock state.
14) How to generate Thread Dump ?
A) Kill -3 Pid
15) What is Activity log ?
A) -----> It is also called as IBM Service log file
-----> It will have complete information about Application Server environment
-----> It is not in readable format
------> We have to use one log file to view the complete information of any application
-------> waslogbr.bat : For Opening and Viewing this log (It will have complete information about base class and other applications)
-----> We have to use Symptom database for fixing or compare identify the issue.
16) What is Trace log ?
What is Trace ?
A) ----> It will have details about WAS environment in understandable text format
-----> Trace file contains Step by Step activity details of WAS process.
-----> Trace file shows the time and Sequence of methods.
-----> We can use 'showlog' command in bin directory for getting tracer information.
Trace : It is an informational record that is intended for Service Engineers or Developers to use
17) What is SSO ?
A) ----> SSO means Single Sign On)
-----> Once if we login or give User id and Password no need to give again and again.
------> Once a Client had a valid LTPA Token they need not re authenticate again with in a Cell
18) What is Virtual Host ?
A) -----> It is a Configuration that enable single host machine to resembles multiple host machines
----> It is the combination of IP and Port Number or host name.
19) What is Fix Pack and Refresh Pack ?
A) ----> Fix Pack fixes certain issues.
-----> If you got any problem then we have to raise the PROBLEM MANAGEMENT REPORT to the IBM Service engineers they will provide a fix to that problem
----> Up to 6.1 version 43 FIX PACKS have been issued.
Refresh Pack : It is a mile stone for release it takes you to release say
-----> Means it is like a release of new movie or software into the market.
------> If you use rp2 it becomes
------> If you apply fp35 it becomes which is not a release
20) What is SSL ?
-----> SSL is also a PROTOCOL
-----> It also provides secure communication between data integrity and Encryption over the network between the nodes
-----> It is a process of integrating Client and Certificate from browser.
21) What is Collector Tool ?
A) ----> It is an Agent to configure IBM SUPPORT ASSISTANT (ISA)
----> It collects all information about your WAS installation , Packages , in JAR file which we can send it to IBM ISA in determining and analyzing your problem.
----> It can run only on root or Administrator.
-----> Collector is a tool which provides all log files. These log files contains failure info.
----> If the bugs cant be cleared by administrator, then by using this tool we will send all log files to IBM people.
22) What is JNDI ?
-----> It is used to register the resources hosted by App Server.
-----> JNDI implements WAS is built on top of CORBA (COMMON REQUEST BROKER ARCHITECTURE)
23) What is JDBC ?
-----> JDBC is responsible for connection and communication between java applications
------> JDBC is an API (Application Programming Interface) that is used to connect to any database.
------> Java API is responsible for connecting to your applications
24) What is JDBC PROVIDER ?
A) -----> It is a provider that is used to connect to any Data Base
-----> Means it is a mediator between Client and Data Base
-----> Vendor details will be present in JDBC providers (Any Vendor MYSQL,ORACLE)
-----> If we want to connect or execute the program to any vendor or client we have to use one more mediator
------> Adapter : It is a jar file responsible for communication between java application and database
25) What is Context Root ?
A) -----> Context Root identifies a web application that is stored in application.xml file.
-----> Every web application developed with in Web Sphere studio has a Context Root associated with it.
------> This Context Root helps to distinguish multiple applications deployed on same Application Server.
------> By Context Root only your Configuration file (plugin-cnf.xml) routes the request to particular application
26) What is the Ticket Tracking tool you used ?
27) What is Profile ?
A) -----> Profile consists of ports , collection of files and folders collectively used for providing run time URL for the end user.
3 types of profiles
1) Application profile : Default profile
2) Deployment profile : Soap Connector port no of DMGR 8879.
3) Custom profile : Gives Empty node.
28) What is Web Sphere ?
A) -----> Web Sphere popularly refers to IBM Middle ware technology products.
-----> Web Sphere known for key operation in E-Business Applications.
-----> Web Sphere has run time components , tools which can help creating applications which runs on WAS.
29) Security Features present in WAS ?
A) -----> Security model for web Sphere is primarly based on Java EE Security model.
-----> It also depends on Operating System.
------> User Authentication and Authorization mechanisms also provided in WAS.
------> LTPA (LIGHT WEIGHT THIRD PARTY AUTHENTICATION) mechanism is main security feature present in WAS.
30) Features present in Web Sphere ?
A) 1) Order Management
2) Web Sphere commerce Accelerator.
3) Analytical and business Intelligence.
4) Open standards used JAVA , EJB
5) Web Sphere commerce payments and Customer care.
31) Administrator benefits using Web Sphere ?
A) ------> Web Sphere almost reduces the work of server Administrator.
-------> He can manage load on Servers efficiently.
-------> Flexibility to divide load and applications among different Servers.
-------> Predict the incoming load on Servers.
--------> Email alerts , Restart options , Memory leak detection.
32) NETWORK DEPLOYMENT feature present in WAS ?
A) ------> It provides hot recovery of single tons which makes you forget about GARBAGE COLLECTED single tons.
------> Transaction logs can stored on Shared file system.
------> In run time Clustering operations of deployment managers role is eliminated.
-------> J2EE FAILOVER support , Cell configuration support is present.
33) What is Caching Proxy of IBM Web Sphere Edge Server ?
A) -----> Caching Proxy can configured in forward direction or a Proxy.
------> Page fragments arising from JSP/SERVLETS are cracked by edge and Caching process is slow.
-------> Performance and Scalability of J2EE applications can be increased by edge.
34) How many SSL Certificate Authorities available in todays market ?
4) RSA
35) Dis Advantages of Memory to Memory replication ?
A) -----> Consumes large amount of memory in networks with many users.
------> Each Server has a copy of all Sessions.
------> When we change a Session it will be replicated to all Application Servers.
36) What is Symptom Database ?
A) -----> A Symptom is an error or event message.
-----> A Symptom Database is an XML file of symptoms , string match patterns , Associated solutions and directives.
------> Log records can be analyzed using Symptom Database to interpret known events and error conditions.
------> Symptom Databases can be imported from external XML Symptom Database , saved and exported into an external file in XML format.
------> You can either import Symptom Database from local or remote Host.
37) What is Clustering ? Types of Clustering ?
A) -----> It is a set of AppServers having same applications Installed,Grouped locally for WORKLOADMANAGEMENT (WLM)
------> Grouping of AppServers under a single application
------> Every cluster member must have the same configuration and same version.We can say each cluster member is the clone to one another.
There are 2 types of CLUSTERING
1) 1) VERTICAL CLUSTERING : Deployed the application on one machine and we can run that application on our own box(or) machine.
----> In this Vertical Clustering Machine FailOver is not possible.
----> If the machine gets failed we cannot run that application (or) SINGLE POINT OF FAILURE.
---> If one Server fails the other Server will takes care
----> If machine fails nothing can be done.
24) What is JDBC PROVIDER ?
A) -----> It is a provider that is used to connect to any Data Base
-----> Means it is a mediator between Client and Data Base
-----> Vendor details will be present in JDBC providers (Any Vendor MYSQL,ORACLE)
-----> If we want to connect or execute the program to any vendor or client we have to use one more mediator
------> Adapter : It is a jar file responsible for communication between java application and database
25) What is Context Root ?
A) -----> Context Root identifies a web application that is stored in application.xml file.
-----> Every web application developed with in Web Sphere studio has a Context Root associated with it.
------> This Context Root helps to distinguish multiple applications deployed on same Application Server.
------> By Context Root only your Configuration file (plugin-cnf.xml) routes the request to particular application
26) What is the Ticket Tracking tool you used ?
27) What is Profile ?
A) -----> Profile consists of ports , collection of files and folders collectively used for providing run time URL for the end user.
3 types of profiles
1) Application profile : Default profile
2) Deployment profile : Soap Connector port no of DMGR 8879.
3) Custom profile : Gives Empty node.
28) What is Web Sphere ?
A) -----> Web Sphere popularly refers to IBM Middle ware technology products.
-----> Web Sphere known for key operation in E-Business Applications.
-----> Web Sphere has run time components , tools which can help creating applications which runs on WAS.
29) Security Features present in WAS ?
A) -----> Security model for web Sphere is primarly based on Java EE Security model.
-----> It also depends on Operating System.
------> User Authentication and Authorization mechanisms also provided in WAS.
------> LTPA (LIGHT WEIGHT THIRD PARTY AUTHENTICATION) mechanism is main security feature present in WAS.
30) Features present in Web Sphere ?
A) 1) Order Management
2) Web Sphere commerce Accelerator.
3) Analytical and business Intelligence.
4) Open standards used JAVA , EJB
5) Web Sphere commerce payments and Customer care.
31) Administrator benefits using Web Sphere ?
A) ------> Web Sphere almost reduces the work of server Administrator.
-------> He can manage load on Servers efficiently.
-------> Flexibility to divide load and applications among different Servers.
-------> Predict the incoming load on Servers.
--------> Email alerts , Restart options , Memory leak detection.
32) NETWORK DEPLOYMENT feature present in WAS ?
A) ------> It provides hot recovery of single tons which makes you forget about GARBAGE COLLECTED single tons.
------> Transaction logs can stored on Shared file system.
------> In run time Clustering operations of deployment managers role is eliminated.
-------> J2EE FAILOVER support , Cell configuration support is present.
33) What is Caching Proxy of IBM Web Sphere Edge Server ?
A) -----> Caching Proxy can configured in forward direction or a Proxy.
------> Page fragments arising from JSP/SERVLETS are cracked by edge and Caching process is slow.
-------> Performance and Scalability of J2EE applications can be increased by edge.
34) How many SSL Certificate Authorities available in todays market ?
4) RSA
35) Dis Advantages of Memory to Memory replication ?
A) -----> Consumes large amount of memory in networks with many users.
------> Each Server has a copy of all Sessions.
------> When we change a Session it will be replicated to all Application Servers.
36) What is Symptom Database ?
A) -----> A Symptom is an error or event message.
-----> A Symptom Database is an XML file of symptoms , string match patterns , Associated solutions and directives.
------> Log records can be analyzed using Symptom Database to interpret known events and error conditions.
------> Symptom Databases can be imported from external XML Symptom Database , saved and exported into an external file in XML format.
------> You can either import Symptom Database from local or remote Host.
37) What is Clustering ? Types of Clustering ?
A) -----> It is a set of AppServers having same applications Installed,Grouped locally for WORKLOADMANAGEMENT (WLM)
------> Grouping of AppServers under a single application
------> Every cluster member must have the same configuration and same version.We can say each cluster member is the clone to one another.
There are 2 types of CLUSTERING
1) 1) VERTICAL CLUSTERING : Deployed the application on one machine and we can run that application on our own box(or) machine.
----> In this Vertical Clustering Machine FailOver is not possible.
----> If the machine gets failed we cannot run that application (or) SINGLE POINT OF FAILURE.
---> If one Server fails the other Server will takes care
----> If machine fails nothing can be done.
-----> But when the physical machine failover happens we will lose every thing
2) HORIZONTAL CLUSTERING : Grouping of AppServers in which one AppServer should be on one node and Another AppServer should be on another node.
-----> Means if we take two machines one application should be deployed on different machines Remotely (or) one application should run in INDIA and another application should run in AMERICA.
-----> If Machine1 application will be deployed on Machine2 so we have to know the IP address of Machine1 then only it is possible to deployed that application Successfully.
----> Both Machines should have Internet Connection.
2) HORIZONTAL CLUSTERING : Grouping of AppServers in which one AppServer should be on one node and Another AppServer should be on another node.
-----> Means if we take two machines one application should be deployed on different machines Remotely (or) one application should run in INDIA and another application should run in AMERICA.
-----> If Machine1 application will be deployed on Machine2 so we have to know the IP address of Machine1 then only it is possible to deployed that application Successfully.
----> Both Machines should have Internet Connection.
----> It Supports MACHINE FAILOVER.
38) How will you fix Memory Leakage in WAS ?
A) ----> Memory Leakage issue is in Native code
----> For this issue we can need to get Heap Dumps and analyze the Dumps for any Memory issues.
-----> If we got any issue we need to ask developers to fix this issue.
-----> For Temporary purpose we can increase Heap size.
----> It Supports MACHINE FAILOVER.
38) How will you fix Memory Leakage in WAS ?
A) ----> Memory Leakage issue is in Native code
----> For this issue we can need to get Heap Dumps and analyze the Dumps for any Memory issues.
-----> If we got any issue we need to ask developers to fix this issue.
-----> For Temporary purpose we can increase Heap size.
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