----> It is a Protocol to provide Secured communication.
----> Protocol means follow rules and regulations according to instructions given by the client or enduser
----> It establishes communication along with Data Integrity and Encryption over the network between the nodes.
----> Here HTTP is a standard protocol.
----> In HTTP we cant secured our information means we cannot kept secret data whenever we are sending from one place to another place.
----> Means here HTTP is not using any Security to send any data to the client or end user.
----> HTTP is sending request from browser to Server.
STEP 1 : Goto Tools -----> Options -----> Advance Encryption ------> View Certificate ----> Click lock ------> More information -----> View Certificate
STEP 2 : Take an domain name means any bank www.ICICI Bank.com(URL)
STEP 3 : Check Server to know IP address and Host name.
STEP 4 : Giving IP address or Host name with Proxy request or HTTP request.
STEP 5 : Creating SSL for domain.
STEP 6 : Here we have to generate a key for SSL means we have to follow 5 steps to generate a key or Certificate.
Q) What SSL Certificate Contains ?
A) SSL Certificate may contain
1) domain name
2) company name
3) address
4) city
5) state and country.
----> It will also contain the expiry date of the Certificate and details of the Certification Authority responsible for the issuance of the Certificate.
----> When a browser connects to a secure site it will retrieve the site's SSL Certificate and check that it has not expired, it has been issued by a Certification Authority the browser trusts, and that it is being used by the website for which it has been issued.
----> If it fails on any one of these checks the browser will display a warning to the end user letting them know that the site is not secured by SSL.
SSL Handshake
Client Server
1. Client issues secure request (https://test.com/index.jsp)
2. Server sends x.509 certificate to containing server’s Public Key
3. Client checks the server’s certificate against the list of known CA’s . (If certificate is not trusted , Browser may give option to accept certificate at user’s risk .
4. Client generates random symmetric key and encrypts using server’s public key and sends to server.
5. Client & Server knows the Symmetric key and encrypt the user data using symmetric key during the rest of the session
(i) Generate a Key
a) Key Name
b) Key Password
c) Key Size
d) Key Algorithm (These are stored in JKS(JAVA KEY STORE))
-----> Here if we want to Generate a key we have to give some requirements
1) CN(Common Name) : ICICI Bank.com
2) CO (Company Organisation) : Wipro.
3) Location : HYDERABAD.
4) State : AP
5) Country : IN
a) Generate Certificate Request
b) Certificate Authorities (CA)
C) Server CA.crt / pm ----> Stored in JKS
d) Intermediate CA ------> Stored in JKS
(iii) Sending CSR for CA
(iv) Import into JKS (get Certificates and import into Key Store)
(v) List the Key Store
2 types of SSL
1) one way SSL (unlimited Clients)
2) two way SSL (Limited Clients)
Q) What you do when SSL will expires ?
A) goto var/was/App/JDK/bin-----> Ikeyman tool
1) First i will take the KeyStore backup ( Sample certificate)
2) Later i will delete that original certificate
3) Next i will generate the keys
4) After wards i will import the new Certificate
----> If Certificate is expiring take the backup sample of that certificate
EX : Sample.jks (back up)
----> After taking the back up delete that Sample certificate
SSL Enabling : Types of Configuring and enabling SSL
Enabling SSL in the IBM HTTP Server configuration:
Procedure :
STEP 1 : Navigate to the configuration folder in the installation directory for IBM HTTP Server. The default path is C:\Program Files\IBM\HTTPServer\conf.
STEP 2 : Open the httpd.conf file in a text editor.
STEP 3 : Comment out the following line by adding the # symbol to the beginning of the line
Installing your Certificates on a IBM HTTP Server
Storing a CA Certificate:
- Enter IKEYMAN on a command line on UNIX, or start the Key Management utility in the IBM HTTP Server folder on Windows.
- Select Key Database File from the main User Interface, select Open.
- In the Open dialog box, select your key database name. Click OK.
- In the Password Prompt dialog box, enter your password and click OK.
- Select Signer Certificates in the Key Database content frame, click the Add button.
- In the Add CA Certificate from a File dialog box, select the certificate to add or use the Browse option to locate the certificate. Click OK.
- In the Label dialog box, enter a label name and click OK.
To receive the CA-signed certificate into a key database:
- Enter IKEYMAN on a command line on UNIX, or start the Key Management utility in the IBM HTTP Server folder on Windows.
- Select Key Database File from the main User Interface, select Open.
- In the Open dialog box, select your key database name. Click OK.
- In the Password Prompt dialog box, enter your password, click OK.
- Select Personal Certificates in the Key Database content frame and then click the Receive button.
- In the Receive Certificate from a File dialog box, select the certificate file. Click OK.
Hi Kareem,
Can you help me how to redirect the HTTP --> HTTPS url automatically using Websphere Application server 7.X
http to https redirection should be done in apache config file
super sl topic
Here I came to know to what is ssl,Thank You.
Websphere Training,
Websphere Application server Training.
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