1) Tail : Displays last 10 lines from ending
Syntax : $ tail file-name
2) Ch mod : Change Mod
Syntax : $ ch-mod [user/group/others/all]+[permission] file-name
----> User : read , write , execute (r,w,x)
----> Group : read , execute (r,x)
----> Others : No Permissions.
a) Read : 4
b) Write : 2
c) Execute : 1
3) Top : View CPU usage for all processes
Syntax : $ top
4) Kill : Used for terminating process
Syntax : $ kill [-signal] [process id]
ex: $ kill -9 process id
5) $ kill -0 : Terminates all current process except your shell
6) Who : List all users who are currently on the system.
Syntax : $ who
7) who am i : Reports the details about the command user.
Syntax : $ who am i
1) du : Gives amount of disk space usage
Syntax : $ du [options] [directory or file]
2) $du –sh file/dir
----> Gives the size of the file/dir
3) df -kh : Gives Available space mounted on file system.
4) du -sm : Shows in no of blocks.
1) ls -al : To show all files in Current directory.
2) ls -ltr : List the files in directory with the Newest files last.
3) ls - l | grep "^d" : Only users created directories in your system.
4) ls -of -i : 9080 To check the port
5) less : To view tar files without untar.
1) gzip : Used to compress the file.
2) gunzip : Decompress a file.
1) ps -ef : All ports will be displayed.
2) ps -ef | grep java : Show all Java processes.
3) ps -ef | grep java | wc -l : To show how many java processes are running on system.
4) ps -ef | grep java | wc -c : Display one line Character Count.
1) Find : The find command is used to find the files in the hard drive.
Example: $ find *.pl
2) Locate : The locate command is much faster than the find command.
-----> Finding a file using locate is faster when compared to the find command
Example : $ locate
Q) How to check a particular port is working or not in unix?
A) netstat -a | grep 80
Q) What is the present LINUX VERSION ?
Q) In ls -lrt, what t stands for and r stands for l stands for?
A) -l shows you huge amounts of information (permissions, owners, size, and when last modified.)
-r reverses the order of how the files are displayed.
-t shows you the files in modification time
A) Ps -grep
Q) How to check the multiple NIC in Unix or linux? (NIC NETWORK INTERFACE CARD)
A) ifconfig -a
Q) How to identify and kill a process ID?
A) ps -ef
Q) How will you Check Application Status ?
A) ps -ef |grep appservername ( from AdminConsole ------> Enterprise Applications )
Q) How will you Check the Port Status ?
A) using netstat command
Q) What information you get with command ps -ef |grep httpd ?
A) We get all Web Servers information with Process ID
Q) To repeat a Command continuously ?
A) netstat -a| grep
Q) How to Check Physical Memory RAM in the System ?
A) bootinf-r Will give you Physical Memory details of Unix Box.
Q) If we want to see the last 7 days data which command we have to use ?
A)Find /home -atime +7
- -atime +7: All files that were last accessed more than 7 days ago
- -atime 7: All files that were last accessed exactly 7 days ago
- -atime -7: All files that were last accessed less than7 days ago
Q) Display list of all files in /home directory that were not last modified less than then days ago.
A) find /home -mtime -7
Q) To find file in last 2 months (60 days) you need to use ?
A) -mtime +60 means you are looking for a file modified 60 days ago.
-mtime -60 means less than 60 days.
-mtime 60 If you skip + or - it means exactly 60 days.
Q) search for just files that have been modified in the last seven days ?
A) find . -mtime -7 -type -f
Q) search for just directories that have been modified in the last seven days ?
A) find . -mtime -7 -type -d
Q) you want to search the "/tmp" directory instead of the current directory for files modified in the last three days ?
A) find /tmp -mtime -3 -type -d
Q) find a file or directory that has been modified in the last seven days ?
A) find . -mtime -7
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