Thursday, 1 November 2012


     PLUGIN AND TRACE        

Def of PLUGIN:  It is the communication between WEBSERVER TO APP SERVER 

----> PLUG-IN Configuration file contains routing information for all applications mapped to WEBSERVER.

----> PLUGIN-CNF.XML file will have all Configuration setting determine whether the request is for WEBSERVER or APPLICATION SERVER.

----->  Whenever request comes to Web Server it first stores in PLUG-IN  and afterwards PLUG-IN will checks that request or URL is compared 

----> The PLUG-IN will forwards the request to WEB CONTAINER.

There are 2 types of PLUG-INS.

1) GENERATE PLUG-IN : Means deployment files information is save in PLUGIN-CFG.XML file

2) PROPAGATE PLUG-IN : Means deployment files information is stored in WEBSERVER.

Q) How to set PLUG-IN Logs?

A) ---->  Goto Admin Console  ------> Servers -----> Web Servers -----> Web Server -----> logfiles(Configuration tab) (Here we can change path of log files ) (Access.log, error.log)

Q) When do you regenerate the PLUG-IN CONFIG file ?

A) PLUG-IN Configuration file needs to be regenerated and propagated to the web servers when there are changes to your WebSphere configuration that affect how requests are routed from WEB SERVER to APPLICATION SERVER.

1) Installing an application

2) Creating or changing a virtual host

3) Creating a new Server.

4) Modifying HTTP transport settings (HTTP ports)

5) Creating or altering a cluster

TRACE : Trace is an informational record that is intended to specific Engineers (or) Developers to use 

Q) What is trace file and where you get more details in trace or log files?

A) Trace file contains the step by step details of the WAS process. Trace file only contains more details than the log file. 

Trace is a log file for tracing a particular memory.

Q) How do you setup traces ?

A) Admin Console-----> Trouble Shooting -----> logs and trace -----> Server name -----> Choose Diagnostic trace. 


kris said...

its good and great of you.... thanks for sharing

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